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2019年1月10日,陈医生应邀出席于中国北京举行,北京民营口腔新春学术年会暨第十二次全国民营口腔年会北京分会场会议。分享应用 CORE 新型综合射频技术於面部年轻化轮廓塑型及收紧皮肤。 |
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Dr. James Chan was invited to share expertise on the latest aesthetic technology with dermatologies and plastic surgeons of the Association of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons (ACLS) at CosmoLaserCon 2018 at SRAGHULEELA BANQUETS, Mumbai, India on 28-30 September 2018.“Update Radio Frequency fractional Energy Applications in Aesthetic Medicine 2018”
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Dr. Chan was invited to participate in the Annual Regional Training Event of VIORA Aesthetic Machines Manufacturer from Israel. Distributors and doctors from over 15 countries including China, HongKong, Taiwan, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand, Indonesia, India, South Korea, Singapore, Pakistan, USA, Vietnam, Japan, UAE... The meeting was held at lovely beautiful and relaxing Sheraton Resort hotel at Ko Samui of Thailand on May 11 ~ 14, 2018. As a VIORA KOL for 8 years, he has shared expertise on understanding and applications of innovative upgradable and functionally expandable V series Multi-technology aesthetic devices in daily clinical practice. 2018年5月11至14日,以色列 VIORA 国际医美仪器生产商,邀请十五个国家之代理商,医生及技术人员,在美丽宁静景色宜人的泰国苏梅岛喜来登渡假酒店,参与一连四天的年度公司研习训练。陈加明医生分享对高端医美仪器的理解和临床应用经验。Multi-technology Platforms V30 系列。利用脉冲光、激光及射频能量治疗,综合使用。改善肤质、毛孔、换肤、色斑、血管、痤疮及痤疮后疤痕、妊娠纹、橙皮脂肪、塑身紧肤⋯等问题。可安全使用於各类肤色人种。在治疗效果,治疗时间和减少副作用各方面,都有突破性的进步, |
2016年10月10日,陈医生应邀出席於新加坡举行 Aesthetic Marketing Singapore 主办之美容同业研讨会,近三百人参与,讨论经济消费模式改变,资讯电子媒体的影响力,高端美容仪器高速发展,生化抗衰老产品诞生,对行业发展的重要及如何灵活应对。课题具参考价值和启发性。 |
Dr. Chan was invited as independent speaker at “4th Annual Gender Aesthetic Asia Focus Series 2016” by American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM), Holiday Inn Hotel Orchid Singapore, 19th to 21st August 2016. Dr. Chan was appointed as the Chairman for “Aesthetics & Devices Workshop” Series and and delivered presentations on the following topics : “Combating Wrinkles with Intense Pulse Light (IPL), Infra-red Lasers, Ultrasound Therapies, Micro-needling RF Systems, Radio Frequency (RF) Technologies”《各能量应用医学美容仪器 2016》安全有效处理皮肤粗糙,毛孔粗大,囇斑色斑,皱纹,皮肤下垂松弛 “ENDYMED 3DEEP: New Era in Treatments on Hard-to-treat Areas” 讲解及示范 ENDYMED 3DEEP Tightening Contouring 射频 塑身,紧肤及面部提升; iFine治疗, 改善眼周及口唇边皮肤哀老; 新型水滴点阵射频嫩肤 FSR,及黄金微针射频 Intensif。 |
Dr. Chan was invited to participate in the annual company training of VIORA machine manufacturer from Israel. The meeting was held at lovely 'Movenpick Resort' in Phuket, Thailand on May 26 ~ 28, 2016. He delivered a 30 minutes keynote presentation to share with colleagues about design concept, applications and unique features of the latest innovations of multi-technology platform series, e.g. V10 V20 and V30 with interchangeable application hand pieces. 以色列VIORA国际医美仪器生产商,邀请几十个国家之代理商及技术人员,在美丽的泰国布吉岛渡假酒店,参与一连四天的年度公司研习训练。陈加明医生参与讲解新型多功能医美技术综合平台的特质和合并应用。Multi-technology Platforms V30。利用脉冲光、激光及射频能量治疗,综合使用。改善肤质、毛孔、换肤、色斑、血管、痤疮及痤疮后疤痕、妊娠纹、橙皮脂肪、塑身紧肤⋯等问题。可安全使用於各类肤色人种。 |
8, 9 - 04 - 2016 Guest Speaker 演讲嘉宾 Dr. James Chan was invited to share expertise with aesthetic professionals and doctors on the latest aesthetic technology in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia. Seminar and demonstration of various radio frequency devices from ENDYMED 3DEEP of Israel. For examples: Tightening and Contouring TC Applicators for face, body and skin; iFine applicator for wrinkles and fine lines around the eyes and mouth; Fractional skin resurfacing FSR and Intensif micro-needling RF to correct pores, pigments, wrinkles, sign of photo-aging, acne scars and surgical scars. All technologies are cleared by US FDA and FDA of various countries. It was also the first time to launch 'Mini Shaper' TC applicator in the world. 陈医生出席于马来西亚吉隆坡举行之最新医学美容科技发布会,分享使用经验,讲解及示范 ENDYMED 3DEEP Tightening Contouring 射频 塑身,紧肤及面部提升; iFine治疗, 改善眼周及口唇边皮肤哀老; 新型水滴点阵射频嫩肤 FSR,及黄金微针射频 Intensif。安全有效处理皮肤粗糙,毛孔粗大,囇斑色斑,皱纹,皮肤下垂松弛,痤疮凹凸洞及疤痕。以上技术,均有美国及多国FDA认证。全球首度公开最新 Mini Shaper 塑身紧肤治疗。 |
10-10-15 Guest Speaker 讲者 PAPSHPI 11th ANNUAL CONVENTION. The Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians Inc. "Dilemma in the Practice of Aesthetic Medicine: 《如何选择购买好的医学美容仪器》 Philippines 菲律宾 |
23-06-15 Guest Speaker 讲者 Seminar for Association of Doctors in Aesthetic Medicine Hong Kong (A.D.A.M.). “Advance in Body Contouring 2015, introduction and demonstration of the latest non-invasive fat reduction body contouring machine, i-LipoXcell by Chromogenex, with technologies including Low Level Laser Light Therapy LLLT, multipolar Radio frequency, mechanical suction roller for lymphatic drainage and laser body analysis. 香港医疗美容医生协会之学术会议 《 2015 减脂塑身科技,讲解及应用示范,最新冷激光溶脂紧肤综合技术 i-LipoXcell by Chromogenex》 Hong Kong 香港 |
American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine 3rd Annual GENDER AESTHETIC CONGRESS ASIA 2015 Suntec Convention Centre, Singapore Light & Energy Based Devices Asia 2015 "Update Radio Frequency Energy Applications in Aesthetic Medicine 2015" Body Contouring & Slimming Asia 2015 |
30-04-15 Guest Speaker 讲者 1st MIDYEAR CONVENTION MASTERCLASS. The Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians Inc. 菲律宾基层皮肤医学会上半年医学硏讨会 "Non-invasive Radio Frequency Combining Other Energies Applications in Aesthetic Medicine 2015" 《讨论射频合并其它能量於无创医学美容科技 2015》 Philippines 菲律宾 |
25~26-04-15 Teaching Staff 導師 It was the third year Dr. James Chan was invited to conduct a China country level 2-day CME (Continuing Medical Education) class for dermatologists at Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine 連續三年被上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院皮肤科委任陈加明医生为客席導師,任教国家级继续教育项目《微创注射美容技术学习班》理论,临床示范及學員实习之两天有学分课程,一百廿十多位来自全国各地的医生参与。 Shanghai, China 上海, 中国 |
21~24-04-15 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan was invited by Venus Concept China to give lectures and demonstrations in various cities on the latest Fractional Radio Frequency (RF) Resurfacing and RF combining Pulsed Electromagnetic Field PEMF applications. Over 200 audiences from aesthetic industry have attended these events. Venus Legacy, Venus Swan, Venus Viva... 陈医生获邀在中国多个城市,介绍最新纳米点阵射频换肤技术及射频合并磁力脉冲塑身技,分享工作经验及现场示范,跟国内同行互相交流。 (Shanghai, Beijing)China (上海, 北京)中国 |
18-04-15 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan was invited by LA ROCHE POSAY (FRANCE), LOREAL to share with public the latest information about sun protection. 医学美容护肤品牌 理肤泉 LA ROCHE-POSAY 邀请,与大众分享防晒的重要。 Hong Kong 香港 |
07-04-15 Official Trainer 官方导师 Dr. James Chan was appointed as trainer by Galderma(Hong Kong) to provide basic training Restylane HA filler injection for physicians Restylane 官方医师导师 ,指導基礎注射技巧培訓 Hong Kong 香港 |
12-12-14 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan was invited by Venus Concept Hong Kong at 5th 5-Continent-Congress (5CC), Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center, Hong Kong "Novel Non-invasive Body Contouring -4 D Technology (With Demonstration)" 邀请参与在香港会议展览中心举行之第五届五洲会议,分享及示范最新之无创塑身4D技术,合并射频热能和电磁墙脉冲协同效应,提升塑身效果及安全性。 Hong Kong 香港 |
07-11-14 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan was invited as a independent speaker by 4th International Thaicosderm Congress on Aesthetic Medicine (ITCAM), Bangkok Thailand 泰国曼谷举行之第四届泰国美容医学及美国抗衰老医学学会年会 Dr. James Chan shared his concept on facial rejuvenation (2009) “A Poly-modal Balanced Approach in Combination of Aesthetic Procedures” “Update Radio Frequency Energy Applications in Aesthetic Medicine 2014” “Comprehensive approaches on body contouring from invasive to noninvasive” Dr Chan also participated in 3 sessions of international expert Panel Discussion. 《专家讨论》 Bangkok, Thailand 泰国 曼谷 |
16-10-14 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan delivered a presentation on “Review of non-invasive body contouring devices 2014” at a clinical training seminar at Huashan Hospital Affiliated Fudan University School of Medicine, Department of Dermatology and Laser Centre 复旦大学医学院附属华山医院, 皮肤科及激光治疗中心之培训研讨会, 《无创塑身及减肥技术的总结及分析 2014》 Shanghai, China 上海, 中国 |
15-10-14 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan delivered a presentation on “Review of non-invasive body contouring devices 2014” at a clinical training seminar at Shanghai Ninth People Hospital Affiliated Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine, Department of Cosmetic Surgery and Laser Centre on 15th Oct 2014 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院, 美容外科激光中心及皮膚科培训研讨会, 《无创塑身及减肥技术的总结及分析 2014》 Shanghai, China 上海, 中国 |
10-10-14 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan delivered a plenary presentation on “Review on Fat reduction and non-invasive body contouring devices 2014” at 6th Postgraduate Course 2014. Through the looking glass: Beyond the Dermatologic Horizon. The Philippine Association of Primary Skin Health Physicians INC 菲律宾基层皮肤科及美容医学专科学会年会 2014 《无创塑身及减肥技术的总结及分析 2014》 Philippines 菲律宾 |
22~23-09-14 Teaching Staff 導師 Dr. James Chan conducted a China country level 2-day CME (Continuing Medical Education) class for dermatologists at Shanghai Ninth People’s Hospital Affiliated Shanghai JiaoTong University School of Medicine 上海交通大学医学院附属第九人民医院皮肤科委任陈加明医生为客席教授,任教国家级继续教育项目《微创注射美容技术学习班》理论,临床示范及學員实习之两天有学分课程,近一百位来自全国各地的医生参与。 Shanghai, China 上海, 中国 |
20-04-14 Dr. James Chan was interviewed by a public TV channel in Shenzhen China and shared opinion on development of aesthetic medicine in China. 陈加明医生接受深圳公共频道电视访问,世界美容医学在国内的改变和发展。 Shenzhen, China 深圳, 中国 |
20-04-14 Guest 嘉宾 Dr. James Chan was invited for a TV program by Shenzhen Far-East Women & Children Hospital and Shenzhen TV Station. The event was held at Panglin Hotel Shenzhen China. Dr. Chan shared some tips on how to keep young and fit. About 400 audiences attended the event. 陈加明医生应深圳远东妇儿科医院及深圳电视台邀请,出席电视节目活动作评审及演讲嘉宾。陈医生分享了现今如何保持年青的样貌和身材。活动在深圳彭年酒店举行。近四百位观众现场参与。 Shenzhen, China 深圳, 中国 |
10–12-13 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan was invited to give a plenary presentation on the “Latest Advances in Non-invasive anesthetic treatment 2014” by Hong Kong Health Care Federation 香港医护学会美容医学讲座分享《讨论美容医学最新发展 2014》 Hong Kong 香港 |
31-10-13 Guest 嘉宾 Dr. James Chan was invited for a ‘Galderma Restylane China Event’ 陈加明医生应邀出席《瑞蓝华美紫馨正品联络启动会》 Chengdu, China 中国成都 |
陈加明医生荣获 PAPSHPI 颁发荣誉会员。这是學會成立以来,只颁发过两次,陈医生是菲律宾国家以外,第一位接受该项荣誉的人。 |
首届大中华区医学美容高峰论坛,香港区代表報告《面部体积雕刻的精致注射技术》,近二百位来自中国各地,台湾及香港的医师及医院领导共同参与的研讨活动 |
2013年中国巡回培训教学演讲, 上海丶南京丶广州丶成都⋯等城市。陈加明医生,被 Q-MED (Galderma) 大中华,委任为瑞蓝透明质酸/玻尿酸注射官方专家,到中国各大城市进行培训讲学。 |
菲律宾皮肤医学会, 世界抗衰老医会 《总结分段式射频换肤技术发展 2013》 演讲 及工作室示范。全亚洲首次公开 2013年 专利 SVC 分段式射频换肤技术 |
08-03-13 Dr James Chan has participated in research and development of the latest innovative technology. Vtouch is an application of most advance fractional radio frequency technology for complete and safe skin resurfacing, renewal and skin tightening. Vtouch by Viora is newly arrived Dr James Clinic. 陈加明医生参与研发之科技应用。 Vtouch by Viora 利用 SVC 有效率的点击分段射频能量,换肤提升,无痛安全。 Related articles 相關文章: “Skin Tightening and Acne scar Management updates 2013” 《皮肤松弛及凹凸洞的处理 2013》 |
MR magazine November 2012 issue. Dr James opinion on how to keeping young (P.311, 315) |
“Review on Fractional Radio-frequency Technology for Skin Rejuvenation” “Novel injection techniques for Hyaluronic acid fillers” |
The Asian Aesthetic Guide Volume 2 2012 |
01-11-11 Viora's Newsletter Nov 2011 |
1~5-09-11 Guest Speaker 讲者 Dr. James Chan was invited by 3rd International Bangkok Congress on Anti-aging & Regenerative Medicine(BCAARM) 1st International Thaicosderm Congress on Aesthetic Medicince(ITCAM 2011) and delivered following presentations “Fillers: Update and Trends “Modalities for treatment of Asian Aging Skin” “Expert Panelist for Interactive Sessions” 泰国曼谷 抗衰老美容医学研讨会《处理亚洲人面部衰老的合理方法》 及 《微创注射美容技术》 Bangkok, Thailand 泰国 曼谷 |
07~08-11 Restylane Official Trainer 官方导师 Dr. James Chan was appointed as trainer by Galderma(Hong Kong) to provide basic training Restylane HA filler injection for physicians Restylane 官方医师导师 ,指導基礎注射技巧培訓 Hong Kong 香港 |
07-07-11 Guest 嘉宾 Hyadermis Hyaluronic acid filler Annual Event 台湾 水微晶 透明质酸年度研讨会 Taipei, Taiwan 台湾 |
2010-2011 Dr. James Chan was invited by American Academy of Aesthetic Medicine (AAAM) as an Assistant Trainer for Botulinum Toxin A & Dermal Filler Injections Workshops in Hong Kong and Thailand 2010 – 2011 美国美容医学学会 (AAAM) 助理教学导师,参与香港,台湾及泰国之医师培训之文凭及证书课程 《肉毒杆菌素及皮层填充注射技术》 Taiwan, Hong Kong and Thailand 台湾,香港,及泰国 |
17-09-10 《VelaShape II 塑身技术之仪器临床应用示范》 |
Dr. James Chan was invited for SESHE Professional Skin Product Event |
2009-2010 Guest Host 嘉宾主持 Program Consultant and Host of Weekly TV program on Aesthetic Medicine “Trendymaster Season 1” on China Entertainment Television (CETV) in 2009 – 2010 which was broadcasted in China. 2009至2010年华娱卫视潮流资讯节目《教主来了》担任美容医学节目主持嘉宾。 (Hong Kong, Shenzhen, Guangzhou) China (香港, 深圳,廣州) 中國 |